Monday, December 8, 2008

Update 12.8.08

I just finished another goal, #64 Watch Hannah Montana to see what all the fuss is about. I must admit, this was one of the very last goals I came up with as I was finishing my list, and was totally grasping at straws trying to come up with a few more to make the 101.

I tend to adore everything that 8 year old girls do, because I'm awesome like that. I was curious about this enormous cultural phenomenon, and had to see it for myself (and secretly thought there was a small chance I'd enjoy it). Well, the timing was right this evening, I was bored and flipping around the channels (which I rarely do), and it was just starting.

It took every ounce of willpower to KEEP it on after I put it on, because I lost interest after about, oh, 2.5 seconds. But now I can say I've seen it, and cross another goal off the list!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Update 12.6.08, Parte Dos

I just plowed through and finished #44, 30 things I like about myself. It took more than the month I allotted myself, but I've officially finished my first goal!

This one was much harder than I anticipated. I can't believe I'm about to share this on the internet, but I have really low self-esteem. I hoped that this exercise would help me recognize some worthwhile qualities in myself, and I think it did. At times, it had the opposite effect because it was so hard to think of anything, but overall I'm glad I tried it.

Maybe someday I'll find the balls to post the list here. Until then, I'm celebrating 1 goal down, 100 to go!

Update 12.6.08

It's December! That means New Zealand, birthday, and holidays! We leave a week from today on our month-long belated honeymoon to NZ. I'm so thrilled that I'm feeling well enough to go. While I'm much improved from when I first threw my back out, there's still a very long road to recovery and I have limited mobility, numbness, and a good amount of pain. Trying to keep a positive attitude, do my physical therapy homework, and keep a positive attitude. Can't say that enough.

Anyways, here's what I've been working on:

#36 Commenting on blogs. I'm at 13/101. I've been slowly gaining confidence about randomly commenting and coming out of my shell. Twitter has helped with that (be my friend! i'm @amy_i). I've been enjoying this goal a lot. I went a couple weeks making comments and forgot about accounting for them here, so instead of estimating I'm just not counting those.

#44 30 things I like about myself is almost finished. I'm at 28/30. Hoping to finish before the trip, and it will be the first completed goal!

I had NZ on the brain when I was developing my 101, and will be crossing some things off the list over the next month. Here they are:

Drive on the left side of the road (in a place where it’s legal)
#58 Spend my birthday and New Years' in another country
#80 Drink Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc in Marlborough
#92 Be among the first in the world to ring in 2009

I'll be back here in mid-January, hopefully with lots of updates.